Thursday 26 May 2011

Teaching Salaries Leave Much To Be Desired

Teachers do a great deal of work for almost nothing in pay. For what they do each day and the amount of attention the job requires, teachers are far underpaid. There are some sweet benefits like taking 3 months a year off and not having to work weekends necessarily. This would be a great thing if it were a paid vacation so you don't lose money. What they do instead is they divide the salary of teachers by 12 months then pay them each month based on that. The 3 months you get off and the months you work during the year are very small checks compared to what they have to do and just for living in this economy in general.

Because of this most teachers have to get a part-time job to supplement their income. This can be difficult since the teaching job has specific and unchangeable hours and many places want you to be flexible and available all day- not just at night. Even part-time jobs require this. Luckily, however, there are a lot of "types" of work you can do that will work with you and who realize that teachers don't make much and need this.

One of the easiest most flexible part-time jobs for teachers can be found in the retail field. Retail jobs have high turnovers and part-time positions are hard to fill and keep filled due to the nature of the work (dealing with the public at large). Teachers often get part-time jobs in retail because often it's an easy job (you need one easy one complicated job to balance the matrix) and the pay although not very high, is often sufficient for the work and the teachers needs.

With teachers having 3 months a year off they can actually moonlight during the summer by getting a temporary position even full-time to supplement their income. Some teachers get temporary positions that turn into permanent positions and that work well with their teaching career. You can end up going back to work at the same place every summer and can even make more money than the teaching position pays in that 3 months with the right job!

Finding part-time jobs for teachers isn't as difficult as you may think. You just have to realize that not every type of job you want to do will be possible with your teaching position, but many out there are perfect and pay a good wage. It's ironic that you may make more money on your part-time job than the teaching salary pays, but many teachers aren't teachers for the pay, but for the experience of helping nurture our youth and to help people (adult schools like college) reach their career goals. Teaching is usually a very personal choice based on what you love doing and want to teach it. Many teachers just like to teach!

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