Thursday 26 May 2011

How to Answer BPO Interview Questions

So, you have applied to work for a BPO company. Great. The funny thing about this though is that most people do not even know what BPO stands for when they apply for this job. (It means Business Process Outsourcing by the way). Now the reason most people are interested in these jobs is they think it is some type of easy call center job or an employment opportunities that only requires people with little to know education. This is often true, causing the outsourcing jobs to commonly go to foreigners who hardly speak English. However, what is ironic is these foreigners are often better suited for these jobs because they actually know what they are applying for and how to answers BPO interview questions well. There is no reason any English speaking citizen should be losing jobs to people in other countries and by learning a few simple tricks you will not have this problem.

First and foremost you must know exactly what the company you are applying for does. Business Process Outsourcing involves a company (usually very large) outsourcing its jobs to smaller companies. These are usually IT related job or very often phone center related. This is why when you call some big companies numbers you end up talking to someone in India.

Now, after you have applied you are going to have to get prepared for the interview. The good new is that BPO interview questions are usually very generic and can easily be anticipated. For the most part these companies are only looking for two things in an employee that is not in a management position. The first thing they will always try to make sure of is that you know what you are going to be expected to do. If you walk into the interview not fully understanding the job you are applying for fully you might as well not even go. None the less, all you really need to know is some basic information about business out processing and the background of the company you are applying for. If you rattle that information off they will usually assume you are good to go.

Secondly, most businesses are looking for emotional stability. This may seem a bit weird, but in call center jobs and customer service areas you will constantly have to deal with frustrated customers. The interviewer is looking for someone that can keep their cool and will not get dragged into an argument with an angry customer. Basically, just remember to always remain confident and friendly during the interview. When they give you hypothetical situations, think of the most positive outcome and confidently come up with a plan of action.

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