Thursday 26 May 2011

Jobs for Nurses

When people think of nursing, they often envision a woman in a white uniform, clicking around the hospital in high heels. Despite the long-standing stereotype, nursing is much more than that and is reaching out into new avenues as the world moves forward. Nursing is a job that can employ the talents and compassion of both men and women alike as they reach out to help their fellow man through a wide variety of ways. Below you will find several of the places where nurses can find employment and new ways to help hurting people.

Nursing Homes - Elderly care centers are often in need of nurses who will step forward and help care for patients. Not only do residents of nursing homes often suffer from life-threatening illnesses and conditions, which need constant treatment, but a good nurse can also work to improve their lives with a cheerful smile and pleasant personality.

Hospice/Home Health Care - There are many at home care services such as hospice or nurses' registry, which employ nurses. Usually, nurses are paid to go visit patients within their homes where they will assess their medical condition on a weekly basis and make suggestions, call in prescriptions, and care for the patient. Some people who are on home care have trouble walking or standing, so this job also presents great potential for men who are nurses.

Hospitals - Although hospitals are usually where you picture spotless nurses walking from room to room, filling out papers and giving patients a smile, being an RN or LPN at a hospital can be a much more fulfilling and exciting job than most envision. Nurses are often given lots of responsibility; those who work in the ER or ICU hold the lives of patients within their own hands and deserve as much, if not more, credit than the doctors.

Pediatrics - If you enjoy working with children, you maybe able to find a nursing job at a doctor's office or children's hospital. This not only gives you the opportunity to help children overcome their illnesses, but you maybe able to ease their nerves if they are uncomfortable or anxious.

Mental Wards - Often mental or psychiatric hospitals will need nursing staff to assist with patients who are experiencing treatment. In a world where mental and emotional problems seem to be on the rise, this could be an opportunity for you to reach out to hurting people, even if you do not have the capabilities or drive to become a psychiatrist.

Rehab Facilities - Rehab facilities are often hiring nursing staff as they work to get the lives of their patients back on track. Some of these jobs require you to work with patients who have been through horrible accidents or illnesses that have left them unable to live as before; others reach out to help those affected by drug or alcohol abuse. There is no better feeling in the world than to watch a long-time patient leave a rehab facility with a clean slate in front of them.

The world is in a constant search for new people who are willing to step up and receive the call of nursing. If you have a heart for healing people both physically and emotionally, then becoming a nurse maybe the job for you!

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