Thursday 26 May 2011

How to Be an Excellent Employee

Every employee should have some responsibility towards their work and work place. They should sincerely dedicate themselves to the job they are given and should strive to bring out good results. An ideal employee should be able to analyze and understand the type of work and should set a time frame in which that particular work project is to be completed. To be an excellent employee, you need to work for the company, but not for you. You should understand and take interest in the development of the company. To be a responsible worker, you should realize the effects of your action.

You should think twice before you implement a certain task in your company and try to visualize its after effects. You should never take decisions in haste. Proper research must be conducted and you should keep your boss informed about everything that you do. Below are a few of the characters of an ideal and a responsible employee:

1. Cooperation and Team work: You should have the spirit of a team. Always remember that you represent your team in every work you do. Always share credit with your team.

2. Initiative: You should take the first step to explore and solve the difficulties and problems involved in a job of higher levels. You should constantly gain good experience in such kinds of higher level works simultaneously while learning.

3. Honesty: You should be honest to your work. You should be punctual to your work and should not use the office equipment for personal gain.

4. To be a good employee, you should have the zeal to learn constantly.

5. A good employee must take care of his appearance. You should dress in a good way and also groom yourself properly.

6. You should not talk too much or anything which is more than required especially on telephones.

7. You should be able to carry out your assignments on time.

8. You should have a heart to accept criticism.

9. A good sense of humor with a positive attitude can make it a perfect recipe to make an excellent employee.

10. A good employee should keep internal information of the company confidential.

11. A good employee always well behaves with his coworkers and should be polite, courteous and should have a considerate conduct.

12. A good employee should not be jealous of his own coworkers and supervisors.

Besides these, a good worker should always have tactfulness and a strong interest in the company and in the job. A good worker should have friendly nature and should socialize well. He or she should also be patient and ever enthusiastic. They should maintain a good attendance and should be loyal to their work. They should not leak any secret issues about their company. Always remember, employer pays the salary. So he can have set of expectations up to which you should be able to make. You should satisfy your employer with your work and justify the reason for which you are being paid. An ideal and an excellent employee should be able to enjoy his work and at the same time should be able to increase his productivity and the quality of his work.

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