Thursday 26 May 2011

Finding a Job in the Oilfield Industry

Why do you want to work in the Oil and Gas Industry?

There are many reasons people want to work in the oilfield Industry, but you always have to look at both sides of the coin. For a good bit of people, the benefits outweigh the costs of working offshore. The oil industry has created many opportunities for a lot people that otherwise would not be able to find a high paying job. This is the case, especially, for many of the beginning-level positions such as roustabouts, roughnecks, and so on. If you are a college graduate, you can earn an above average starting salary when starting your career in the field as opposed to another boring cubicle job, and this will give you much needed experience to prepare you for your career down the road.

These opportunities do come at some cost, however, and it takes a special person to be able to handle the long time away from home and family. You will have to realize that you will spend at least half of your year in the middle of the ocean, away from your friends and family. There are many different schedules when working offshore, but commonly it will be seven days on followed by seven days off (otherwise known as 7 & 7), 14 & 7, 14 & 14, and when working overseas, often 28 & 28. While drilling rig workers are often on these types of schedules, service hands are often on 24 hour call, and can be called offshore at any time.

If you are able to handle being away from your family for these short periods of time, you may want to make the decision to start your offshore career.

How to find an Oilfield Job?

Finding a job in the oilfield is much like finding a job in any other profession. reports that 70% of jobs are found by networking. So the best way to find your first oilfield job is from someone already in the industry. If you do not know anyone, talk to your friends, family, or teachers and let them know you are looking for a job in the Oil and Gas Industry. You never know when you will run into someone who will be willing to help you.

You can always hit the pavement and apply directly to various oilfield companies. Or, you can apply directly to their websites.

If you do not know anyone in the oilfield industry, the second best way to find a job on a drilling rig is to go to a dedicated Oil and Gas career site. There are many to choose from, and they are just a search engine click away.

Where do you get the training?

You may need to take quite a few training classes before starting your first offshore hitch. Many companies pay for the classes once you are hired on, but some people pay for and take the classes themselves to help them get the job. They are not cheap, so finding a company to train you would be the best idea.

Here are a few of the classes that you will need before your first hitch.

1. Safegulf 
2. CPR & First Aid 
3. Confined Space Entry 
4. Fall Protection 
5. Lockout / Tagout 
6. HUET 
7. Water Survival 
8. PPE 
9. H2S 
10. Fire Fighting

These are just a few of the Courses you will need. Many of these topics are covered within one class.
Your First Hitch

The first time you go offshore will be an amazing experience! It is a wonder the amount of technology used today in the oilfield, especially on the deep water jobs.

Take some time to get used to your surroundings. Pay careful attention to your escape routes in case of an emergency, always look overhead for cranes lifting equipment from boats or moving it around the rig, and be watchful of all moving parts.

Always give your best effort to learn anything and everything you can about the rig and operations. Give a 110 percent! You need to make your best impression by working hard and smartly. Remember, there is a lot of room to move up in this industry and a lot of money to be made.

You may be the brunt of some common oilfield jokes being the green hand (new guy), but take it all in stride because once you get the experience you will get the chance to do the same the the next young kid looking to make it big in the oilfield.

Be ready for your flight or boat ride home once your hitch is over!

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