Tuesday 31 May 2011

Job Boards Versus LinkedIn Which One Gets You Employed Quicker

Always when I first speak to a new job seeker, they are set on action that they think will result in them getting employed quickly. Most often their first action - after dusting off an old CV - is to upload it to a jobs board. Often they have heard of a friend who got employed quickly by just uploading their CV to a jobs board, so they think: why don't I do the same, but to more jobs boards?

As a recruiter and CV Writer, I just want to give you an insight as to why you just lengthened your job search, and how by using free available tools - including your own professional society and LinkedIn - that you can get employed quicker.

Job Boards are a business

Jobs boards as I have written before seem like the modern day panacea to the job seeker. Simply you upload your CV in the morning, and by that afternoon you have a new job. Oh, I wish it were that simple! The average job application via a job board stands between an 8% and 12% success ratio. Further, once you have uploaded your CV/resume, the job boards owner make it very difficult for your to remove. The reason for this is that simply you have upload an asset for them that they can sell to the recruiters.

On average, when a jobs boards comes up for sale, the jobs board as a business is worth about half its turnover as a sell-on price, while additionally each CV/resume in the database is worth at least £1/$1 up to to £10/$15, depending o the age of the database and the market that the jobs board addressed.

Secondly, the job board owners uses upload CV/resume numbers as a way to sell the need for employers and recruiters to place their adverts on that jobs board. While we have 10,000 CV/resume was the mid-market, that's now small when even the local systems in the UK brag of a million candidate CV databases.

The Recruiting business

When I ask job seekers how they think that the recruiting and head hunting business works, most do not have a clue. When you consider still that at least a third to possibly a half of all jobs are dealt with via recruiters, that's not going to speed your job search success.

Recruiters from the mid-market and below, only make money when they make a placement. The employer customer may well pay up to a one third fee retainer to a head hunter, but most recruiters work via a no win (placement)/no fee contract arrangement. That means that each six to eight week brief is in effect a gamble: can you find the right candidate quicker than your competitors, which include the internal HR team. Secondly, although you may find that right candidate, what guarantee's that only you find that job seeker? If another recruiter or the internal HR team have that CV on their existing database, then your fee could be halved at best.

If you knew that your ability to earn was defined by quickly sourcing the right candidate quickly, would you go to the well where everyone else drinks, or go some where quiet? In theory, around one third of the work force is presently looking for a job, one third would move if the right job offer came along, and one third are happy where they are. Hence why would buy into a jobs board where you know that the many desperate job seekers have already listed their CV's on that database - and probably every other jobs board that they could find; or would you go somewhere else?

Why recruiters and employers like LinkedIn

The problem with Jobs Boards is that they only list the same job seekers that as an employer or a recruiter you have probably seen at least twice or more already. For an employer, if you have rejected them already, why bother paying to see them again? For a recruiter, why go where your competition is going? Plus there's always the "registered with three recruiters = rejected" rule, which rejects anyone who looks like a desperate job seeker.

Head hunters and retained recruiters hence often use contacts and systems of the professional societies, knowing that they give them access to the whole of the work force in that sector. The problem in gaining access to such databases is that rightly they are well protected legally and ethically, and hence only the top five percent of candidates are likely to be found that way, through their demonstrated expertise in writing articles and guidance in the publicly accessible professional publications.

Using social media sites, and particularly sites like LinkedIn and Doostang, means that you access not only active job seekers, but also the other two thirds of the work force, who could have better skills and not be listed everywhere your competition is looking. While Doostang is not accessible to Google, the use of boolean search strings in the past few years now allow recruiters to whittle down 100million business person database of LinkedIn to just a few suitable job applicants. Even using LinkedIn's own search facility allows the best optimised LinkedIn profiles to dominate the subsequent search results.

LinkedIn also comes with an added bonus: demonstration of skills. Although you may be found through you profile, the fact that you have demonstratable recommendations from your piers and have answered professional questions through Answers shows a greater depth of capability that someone who just uploaded a CV/resume to a jobs board, and whom you now have to find such demonstration of capability elsewhere.

If you understand the basics of how the jobs board business works, and how recruiters earn their money, then it is easy to understand why improving your profile at LinkedIn will get you employed quicker than uploading your CV/resume to even one jobs board. While the job seeking phase of any job search is about activity, never since the invention of the village notice board has it been more important where your post your CV/resume, and how your demonstrate your proven value, in relationship to how quickly you are employed in the age of the internet.

German Female Executives Stretch For Glass Ceiling

While women in western countries worry about hitting a business 'glass ceiling,' German female executives find the glass out of reach. Given the sacrifice, social disdain, and hard work, few women approach the German glass ceiling.

Upon joining a German company, the atmosphere was warm and gracious. At the first major management team meeting, I noticed only three of the thirty of more of us were women. Within a couple of years only one remained.

German businessmen struggle to imagine a woman beyond the traditional family head of household. 'Kinder, Küche, Kirche' - children, kitchen, church is the time-honored female role. That philosophy remains on the minds of some key German leaders. When asked if Germany should establish quotas for women on business boards, Deutsche Bank CEO, Joseph Ackerman, admitted no women sat on the DB Board, but added, "But I hope that it will one day be more colorful - and prettier, too." Of the 30 major companies that comprise the German stock exchange, DAX, only three women sit on their boards.

I spoke about women in German management with two of my female colleagues. Becoming a German female executive requires a clear choice between family and career. Both were single. Those that attempt to work and raise a family become Rabbenmutter, or raven mothers. German society does not support women who sacrifice a child's well-being for a career.

Those that forsake motherhood must work harder than their male colleagues must. The German business culture believes overtime is a sign of inefficiency. Both of my colleagues worked late into the night in an attempt to outperform male counterparts.

There long hours and successes did not necessarily enrich them. A 2009 survey by the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) found women managers made 25% less than males in comparable jobs. While my German female colleagues accepted the gap, women executives in our American division demanded and received comparable pay.

The environment is slowly changing for German female executives. Angela Merkel became Germany's first female executive. Deutsche Telekom is the first company to apply quotas with a goal of 30% of management positions to going to women, worldwide, by 2015. Germany, a rules and law culture, is implementing stronger sexual harassment in the workplace laws. Perhaps both the environment and opportunities for women managers in Germany is about to transform.

I spoke with the surviving female executive at my former German company. She is the Chief Marketing Officer. One of her key lieutenants is a woman. As young women look-up and see a few German female executives touching that high glass ceiling, perhaps more will stretch.

Thursday 26 May 2011

4 Critical Steps to Employment

In this article I will outline four steps you should take if you are looking to re-enter the employment market. Rather than focus on what you have done in your career, start thinking about where you have added value and does your communication plan clearly demonstrate this?

Read and understand the following line very carefully. It will raise your awareness of what you need to do.

Think of Yourself as a Product or Service.

Like a company trying to get a product or service to market, what techniques will work?

1. Product / Service Definition (Understand what you are)

If you don't know what the product or service can offer, how can you explain it let alone sell it? Would you buy something if you didn't know what it did or how it would add value to your life? A buyer (employer) will hardly "buy" your offering if you don't demonstrate what the product or service can do for them to improve their organisation.

2. Value Add (Understand where you can add value to the role and company)

How can your product or service add value to the buyer compared to other products or services in a crowded market? Understand what the buyer is looking for and ensure they are aware of your ability to fill that need better than the next product or service they are meeting with.

3. Communication Plan (Utilise the information you have researched about the company and opportunity)

Use multiple sources to gain information, both online & offline research. If there is no information on the internet about the company locally, use alternative methods of getting information. It is up to you to find out as much as you can before your meeting. Not conducting company research demonstrates a lack of creativity, resourcefulness and leaves room for other products or services to get inside you.

4. Go-To-Market Plan (Identify the person making the decision and advise them where and how you can add value to their organisation, quickly!)

Have a consistent message for everyone you interact with so there is consistency with your offering through your CV, informal meetings, recruitment consultant meetings and interviews. Being consistent, concise and clear demonstrates confidence and offers reassurance. You may need to interact with several people before meeting the key decision maker.

The key messages to take from this article are, offer value, demonstrate your research capability, present well and create a positive response with those you interact with throughout the entire process electronically and in person. If you follow these steps you will be well on the way getting yourself back into employment.

German Female Executives Stretch For Glass Ceiling

While women in western countries worry about hitting a business 'glass ceiling,' German female executives find the glass out of reach. Given the sacrifice, social disdain, and hard work, few women approach the German glass ceiling.

Upon joining a German company, the atmosphere was warm and gracious. At the first major management team meeting, I noticed only three of the thirty of more of us were women. Within a couple of years only one remained.

German businessmen struggle to imagine a woman beyond the traditional family head of household. 'Kinder, Küche, Kirche' - children, kitchen, church is the time-honored female role. That philosophy remains on the minds of some key German leaders. When asked if Germany should establish quotas for women on business boards, Deutsche Bank CEO, Joseph Ackerman, admitted no women sat on the DB Board, but added, "But I hope that it will one day be more colorful - and prettier, too." Of the 30 major companies that comprise the German stock exchange, DAX, only three women sit on their boards.

I spoke about women in German management with two of my female colleagues. Becoming a German female executive requires a clear choice between family and career. Both were single. Those that attempt to work and raise a family become Rabbenmutter, or raven mothers. German society does not support women who sacrifice a child's well-being for a career.

Those that forsake motherhood must work harder than their male colleagues must. The German business culture believes overtime is a sign of inefficiency. Both of my colleagues worked late into the night in an attempt to outperform male counterparts.

There long hours and successes did not necessarily enrich them. A 2009 survey by the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) found women managers made 25% less than males in comparable jobs. While my German female colleagues accepted the gap, women executives in our American division demanded and received comparable pay.

The environment is slowly changing for German female executives. Angela Merkel became Germany's first female executive. Deutsche Telekom is the first company to apply quotas with a goal of 30% of management positions to going to women, worldwide, by 2015. Germany, a rules and law culture, is implementing stronger sexual harassment in the workplace laws. Perhaps both the environment and opportunities for women managers in Germany is about to transform.

I spoke with the surviving female executive at my former German company. She is the Chief Marketing Officer. One of her key lieutenants is a woman. As young women look-up and see a few German female executives touching that high glass ceiling, perhaps more will stretch.

How to Answer BPO Interview Questions

So, you have applied to work for a BPO company. Great. The funny thing about this though is that most people do not even know what BPO stands for when they apply for this job. (It means Business Process Outsourcing by the way). Now the reason most people are interested in these jobs is they think it is some type of easy call center job or an employment opportunities that only requires people with little to know education. This is often true, causing the outsourcing jobs to commonly go to foreigners who hardly speak English. However, what is ironic is these foreigners are often better suited for these jobs because they actually know what they are applying for and how to answers BPO interview questions well. There is no reason any English speaking citizen should be losing jobs to people in other countries and by learning a few simple tricks you will not have this problem.

First and foremost you must know exactly what the company you are applying for does. Business Process Outsourcing involves a company (usually very large) outsourcing its jobs to smaller companies. These are usually IT related job or very often phone center related. This is why when you call some big companies numbers you end up talking to someone in India.

Now, after you have applied you are going to have to get prepared for the interview. The good new is that BPO interview questions are usually very generic and can easily be anticipated. For the most part these companies are only looking for two things in an employee that is not in a management position. The first thing they will always try to make sure of is that you know what you are going to be expected to do. If you walk into the interview not fully understanding the job you are applying for fully you might as well not even go. None the less, all you really need to know is some basic information about business out processing and the background of the company you are applying for. If you rattle that information off they will usually assume you are good to go.

Secondly, most businesses are looking for emotional stability. This may seem a bit weird, but in call center jobs and customer service areas you will constantly have to deal with frustrated customers. The interviewer is looking for someone that can keep their cool and will not get dragged into an argument with an angry customer. Basically, just remember to always remain confident and friendly during the interview. When they give you hypothetical situations, think of the most positive outcome and confidently come up with a plan of action.

Who Wants To Become A Lawyer

The practice of law can be exciting and extremely rewarding. The process does take years of hard work; however, it is worth the time, effort and dedication if you are able to reach the ultimate goal of becoming a lawyer.

To become a lawyer, the process includes:

Obtaining an Undergraduate degree- A four- year undergraduate degree is required to be admitted to most law schools. There is no "pre-law" major; however, you should study various courses including speech and writing, government, foreign languages, mathematics, science, and business. Study hard and aim for a high GPA.

Taking the LSAT- All American Bar Association approved law schools require applicants to take the Law School Admission Test ("LSAT") as a part of applying to law school. The LSAT is a half-day standardized test containing 5 thirty-five minute sections of multiple choice questions. The types of questions include reading comprehension, analytical reasoning and logical reasoning.

Applying to Law School- With your LSAT results in hand, applying to law schools will involve submitting an application and the applicable fee to the school of your choice. To be admitted to the Bar, the vast majority of states require you to attend an ABA approved school. Law schools consider many factors in determining whether a student will be admitted. Undergraduate GPA, LSAT score are numerical factors that will be considered. In addition, most schools also consider a candidate's letters of recommendation, work experience, community service and other factors.

Graduating from Law School- Law school is typically a three -year program, if attended full-time. A part-time program is four years. Typical first year classes include Constitutional law, Criminal Law & Procedure, Civil Procedure, Torts, Property and Legal Research & Writing. Upon graduation, you will receive the Juris Doctor ("J.D.") degree.

Bar Exam & Admission to the Bar- You will need to determine which state or states in which you would like to practice law. Each state determines its own requirements to be admitted to the Bar. The Bar examination is typically a two-part process. The first part is a Multistate Bar examination, a six hour, 200 question, multiple-choice examination covering contracts, torts, constitutional law, criminal law and procedure, evidence and real property.

The second part of the Bar examination is a testing of laws of that particular state. The state portion of the Bar examination is typically in a multiple choice and essay format.

In addition, each state also conducts its own character and fitness investigations on applicants.

Before admittance into a state's Bar, most states also require applicants to take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination ("MPRE"), which tests the standards relating to a lawyer's professional conduct. Each state determines the minimum MPRE score required to be admitted to the Bar.

Requirements to practice law are subject to change and it is important to obtain the most recent information from your state bar examiner's office or the relevant regulating authority.

What It Takes to Be a Dental Hygienist

A degree from a credited Dental Hygiene school along with a State license is what it is least required to be declared a dental hygienist.

To get admission in a dental hygiene program, a high school diploma and the college entrance test are demanded. The subjects that a high school dental hygiene enthusiast should pick up are biology, mathematics and chemistry. Advanced course in DH sometimes require students to have at least 1 year of college completed. There are minor differences in the requirements between different schools.

Most programs grant associate degrees to the students though some even administer Bachelor's or Master's degrees. A private dental clinic often requires the applicant to have at least an associate degree to be considered for employment. Fields like research, teaching or clinical practice require higher degrees.

Hygienists need to be licensed by the State in which they choose to practice. A graduation degree from an accredited dental school is the minimum requirement that the licensing authority requires. Most states, except Alabama, require candidates to take the ADA (American Dental Associations) Joint Commission written examination. Some states even require them to clear examinations that deal with the legal aspects of dental practice.

Dental Hygienists are usually compatible with other people as they are often required to work in cohesion with other dentists and dental assistants. Dental hygienists also require to have extensively developed manual skills as the tools they use are handled by hand and in the patient's mouth, there is little room for error.

Growing in this field calls for higher education i.e. a Bachelor's or a Master's degree. The advancements that this field offers spread into the realms of research, teaching and personal practice. Many practicing dental hygienists jump to teaching and have achieved brilliance in the field.

The employment factor of the job is amazing. As dental hygienists have the power to work in multiple offices, there are a lot of vacancies. The major job openings, around 96%, are in offices of dentists. There is a growing demand of dental hygienists due to growth of population. People are becoming more conscious about oral care and hence fuel the demand for hygienists. Research has indicated that people are finding the link between general care and oral care which leads them straight to these hygienists. With increasing workload on the dentists, more hygienists are being hired to complete these jobs for them so that they can themselves perform more complex procedures.

Various Career Opportunities Available Under the Government Sector

The government companies such as BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) and MTNL are doubtlessly the most reputed and high paying telecommunication titans in India. The job openings offered by these telecommunication companies are in abundance. So, think about it and take the decision. Apply for it any time.

Moreover, you should be aware of the fact that every department in government sector owns its IT department that is known for supplying a lot of calling options for Indians. For an instance, the Government Electricity Board provides a complete circle of life history alternatives for both Electrical and IT engineers. The job and career opportunity is wide here.

Administration concerned careers

The government of India is known for acquitting the examinations for the civil service annually on a regular note which is carried out in two different phases. If you are really willing and possessive about getting into the Indian Police Services (IPS) and Indian Administration Services (IAS), it is very imperative for you to clear all these examinations with desirable percentage. You will get huge job and career opportunities in these fields under government sector.

You can apply for other types of the Civil Service Examinations too. These interrogatories are actually acquitted by both State and the Central government. These examinations can aid you to get a life history for working in the administrative projects distributed under several separate governmental spheres such as infrastructure, water department, highways etc. You should go ahead and final a position or job for your own.

Careers in Research Institutes

Research Institutes like DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organisation) and ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) have a lot of career openings in aerospace and mechanical streams. A career with any of these organisations is considered prestigious.

There are world popular research institutes under Indian government. The Research Institutes such as ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organisation) provides several high standard job openings in mechanical and aerospace skillful streams. If you get the call from any of these big institutes, it is surely a matter of prestige and honor.

Teaching Career

Most of the girls prefer going for the teaching career in India. Is that so? Well, too much extent, it is true but the time has changed. The population of male teachers is incrementing year by year. The top listed Government institutes such as IITs (Indian Institute of Applied science), Government Medical colleges, Government Engineering colleges and IIMs (Indian Institute of Managements) holds a wide array of job options in the field of research other than teaching.

Career in Pure Sciences and bio informatics

The institutes such as NCBS (National Center for Bio-informatics) and TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) offer great jobs in the fields of bio informatics and pure sciences. These are government funded centers.

The Many Faces of a Nurse

Patients require more than just a band-aid when they need health care whether it be in a nursing facility, hospital, or in-home. Not only does the physical body suffer and need care, mental stability is just as important.

When individuals choose to go into this field they must to have a compassion for people. They have to know that they will be coming into contact with multiple individuals daily with various problems. Oftentimes they are not called on to just give a shot or change a bandage, to take a blood pressure or to hand out a pill.

A nurse's job carries with it many faces and requires patience, unselfishness, dedication and a lot of love. Before the training ever takes place in a class it has already begun the day one decides to become a nurse. Highlighted below are the different degrees one can earn as of a nurse:

Certificate Program

This is a 2-4 weeks certificate program that CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistant) workers are required to earn before employment. These individuals are trained by RNs through a nursing home facility or a local Red Cross chapter. Their job duties include: bathing patients, administering injections, monitoring temperatures, and whatever other tasks the supervising nurse gives them to do.

LPN Licensed Program

Must complete a two-year practical nursing program and pass the NCLEX-PN licensing computer-based exam to become a LPN. This nurse works under a doctor or registered nurse. Duties include: drawing blood, taking temperatures and vital signs, administering medication, patient's hygiene care, home care or performing routine tests. Emotional support is another very important role that the LPN is expected to provided for the patient.

(AND) - Associate Nursing Degree

This degree is a two-year degree and it is usually earned from a community or vocational school. It is another way to become a RN. This degree is less expensive to the student and it allows them to begin work in the field earlier.

(BSN) - Bachelor of Science Nursing Degree

This is a four-year degree from a university or a college that prepares the individual to become a RN. The student is required to participate in classroom learning combined with clinical, where they work one-on-one with patients. This degree must be acquired from an accredited school and it allows you to move into the supervisory position. Job duties include: monitoring and tracking vital signs, performing procedures such as IV placement, phlebotomy, and administering medications, developing the day-to-day nursing care plans both in the hospital and for care after discharge, to be administered by families and visiting nurses.

(MSN) - Masters of Science Nursing Degree

Before this degree can be obtained, one must first have a BSN. This degree allows you to specialize in a specific area of study as it concerns nursing. Jobs are dependent on the area of study that is chosen. Some areas of study include: Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Nurse Administrator /Manager, Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), Nurse Consultant and Nurse Educator.


This is the highest degree that a nurse can earn, but must have a bachelor and masters before completing this program. This degree prepares individuals to work in health administration, clinical research, and advanced clinical research. It takes usually takes four to six years to complete.

The Importance Of Good PV Training

When you want to start making your own PV cells it can be difficult at times. That is when you should know about the importance of getting some good PV training. Once you know that this education will educate you on how to build the panels, will guide you on the mistakes that you should be avoiding, how to troubleshoot the issues that you have, and even how to connect the PV cells to your home it will be easy to see why this training is so important.

Getting the education on how to build these can be important at times. That is when you should know that the PV training courses will teach you how to do that. Then you will not be going back time and time again because you tried on your own all the time without really knowing what you were doing.

Mistakes are common when you are first starting out in any project. However, you could find that these training courses will help you in finding those mistakes. Then you will know what you need to do to overcome them and guarantee that you get your panels up and running properly all the time on your first try, rather than your hundredth time.

Trouble shooting once mistakes have been made and you have completed your project can be important. That is when you should know that this training could make this aspect of your job easier. The reason that it will be easier is you will typically have a guide that can help you out in knowing what kind of mistakes you are making and how to fix them.

Hooking the panels onto your home can be one of the hardest parts of these panels. With the guide, you will notice that you can easily hook them up by following the directions. Then you will be able to have power at your home from the panels that you made yourself.

Being able to start building the PV cells that you need to power your home can be a good thing. The problem that you can run into is not knowing about why you should have the PV training that is available. Once you know that this will teach you how to properly build them, the mistakes that are common for people to encounter, the trouble shooting that you may have to carry out, and even how to connect these to your home it will be easy to see why you should have this training.

Teaching Salaries Leave Much To Be Desired

Teachers do a great deal of work for almost nothing in pay. For what they do each day and the amount of attention the job requires, teachers are far underpaid. There are some sweet benefits like taking 3 months a year off and not having to work weekends necessarily. This would be a great thing if it were a paid vacation so you don't lose money. What they do instead is they divide the salary of teachers by 12 months then pay them each month based on that. The 3 months you get off and the months you work during the year are very small checks compared to what they have to do and just for living in this economy in general.

Because of this most teachers have to get a part-time job to supplement their income. This can be difficult since the teaching job has specific and unchangeable hours and many places want you to be flexible and available all day- not just at night. Even part-time jobs require this. Luckily, however, there are a lot of "types" of work you can do that will work with you and who realize that teachers don't make much and need this.

One of the easiest most flexible part-time jobs for teachers can be found in the retail field. Retail jobs have high turnovers and part-time positions are hard to fill and keep filled due to the nature of the work (dealing with the public at large). Teachers often get part-time jobs in retail because often it's an easy job (you need one easy one complicated job to balance the matrix) and the pay although not very high, is often sufficient for the work and the teachers needs.

With teachers having 3 months a year off they can actually moonlight during the summer by getting a temporary position even full-time to supplement their income. Some teachers get temporary positions that turn into permanent positions and that work well with their teaching career. You can end up going back to work at the same place every summer and can even make more money than the teaching position pays in that 3 months with the right job!

Finding part-time jobs for teachers isn't as difficult as you may think. You just have to realize that not every type of job you want to do will be possible with your teaching position, but many out there are perfect and pay a good wage. It's ironic that you may make more money on your part-time job than the teaching salary pays, but many teachers aren't teachers for the pay, but for the experience of helping nurture our youth and to help people (adult schools like college) reach their career goals. Teaching is usually a very personal choice based on what you love doing and want to teach it. Many teachers just like to teach!